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Institute of Design of Major and Large Equipment
来源: 发布人: 时间:2022-03-09 浏览:

I. Introduction of the Institute

In order to meet Chinas demand for important and large sets of equipment and the design and manufacturing of their key basic components, the Institute of Design of Major and Large Equipment carries out researches in fields like design, assembly, operation and maintenance, and sustainability on the basis of advanced designing theories, promoting a "Made in China" to "Designed in China" transformation in China's equipment manufacturing industry. Currently there are 10 professors, 13 associate professors, one senior engineers and 2 lecturers in the Institute. 

. Research Achievements

 The Institute has undertaken more than 20 projects, including the National 973 Program and National Key R&D Program of China, with a total research fund of 150 million yuan. The Institute also engaged in the design of the first home-made large-diameter hard rock tunneling machine NHI8030, the worlds largest excavator Taiyuan Heavy Industry WK-75, and the world's largest crawler crane XCMG Construction Machinery XGC88000, with more than 10 scientific and technological awards at provincial and ministerial level, 200 high-level international papers, 300 authorized invention patents and 30 software copyrights. More than 10 patents and copyrights have been successful transferred to industry.

. Research Interest

In order to meet the needs for major equipment of China, the Institute aims to carry out research and make technological breakthroughs in fields like intelligent design, high-performance assembly, intelligent monitoring, operation and sustainable design of major equipment based on advanced design theories and cutting-edge science and technology such as artificial intelligence and big data.

. Pictures










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Address:No. 2, Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
Zip code:116023