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Introduction of Endowment Fund
来源: 发布人: 时间:2022-08-17 浏览:

Aiming towardssupportingand promotingacomprehensivedevelopment of DUTME, the School is open todonations from all walks of lifein order to improve work infieldsofpersonnelcultivation, infrastructureupgrading, facultybuilding, discipline construction, academic exchangesandsocial welfare. TheOffice of University Endowment Fundwill always keep close contact with alumni worldwide,servingas an importantbridge between donors and DUTME and devoted itselfto the realization of the goaltopursuingthe best in personnel training, scientific research, educational work and discipline construction.


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Address:No. 2, Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province School of Mechanical Engineering,Dalian University of Technology
Zip code:116023